How to Setup an Effective LinkedIn Profile

I will cover all sections to make a strong & complete LinkedIn profile in points.

1. Background picture / Cover Photo

I usually keep background photos of the current tool I am working on or the company I work for. Either work!!

2. Display Picture

Keep basic image with minimal edit and nice plain background at back. (Attaching my image for reference)

3. Headline, Place, Talks about, Company, College Details & Link

Mention your job profile in the headline and the place where you put it. In talks, you can mention your area of interest and company and college details.

In Link, you can keep links to your new blog or all blogs.

4. Analytics

Use the analytics section of LinkedIn to your advantage.

You can see profiles visited by users, post impressions, and your content reach for free.

5. Resources

You can turn on your creator mode so that users can see that you are the creator and you create content, and in my network, you can see followers and the following list.

6. Activity

In Activity, You can see your activity and post reach and status.

Pro Advice: Post weekly once or at least monthly once, so your audience grows and your profile keeps floating in LinkedIn feeds for better reach and growth.

7. About | Summary

You can project your work summary here.

8. Experience

Pro Tip: Write in points with bullets.

9. Education, Certifications & Licenses

Showcase your educational background and relevant certifications.

10. Skills

Showcase your skills. Mention your current working skills on top.

Smart tip: Pass LinkedIn assessment test so that you get right tick next to skill.

11. Recommendations

This works as testimonials for work done by you in past.

12. Projects

You can mention projects here with few details.

13. Languages

14. Interest

This is all about setting effective LinkedIn profile. You can follow this steps to make complete profile and post new content weekly , connect with more people to build solid LinkedIn brand of yourself.

Thank you for reading.