Amid the rapidly changing landscape of manufacturing, companies around the globe are working to better position themselves by adopting Industry 4.0 strategies, implementing digital twin technologies, evaluating sustainability, and initiating reshoring. As part of the manufacturing industry, automotive companies specifically are undergoing a massive transformation driven by electrification, connectivity, autonomous driving, and subscription services. All these initiatives and more require a great deal of strategy and effort from the IT department to the shop floor.  

Successful adoption of smart manufacturing and other transformational efforts requires an IT solutions partner with deep industry knowledge, an understanding of numerous platforms, and custom strategies built with the goals of manufacturing companies in mind. With unique priorities like building direct-to-consumer services and products while maintaining a stable and transparent supply chain, the pressure intensifies to find a partner for IoT, automation, subscriptions, change management, supply chain optimization, and more.   

Partnering With Manufacturers Across Lifecycles 

We are thrilled to announce that Perficient was recently recognized by a leading global technology research and advisory firm’s report highlighting notable manufacturing consultancies in North America and Europe. “Our industry expertise and award-winning solutions have landed us in the report for the manufacturing industry, and we continue improving our offerings as we assist all types of manufacturing companies across their product and customer lifecycles,” said Keith Tomatore, Automotive Industry Lead, Perficient. “In fact, we’ve recently published new research on the electric vehicle customer experience. This type of foundational customer research is essential for manufacturing companies facing disruption from emerging technologies and evolving customer preferences.” 

As connected products, electrification, IoT, artificial intelligence, and more continue to improve, Perficient is ready to assist manufacturing companies with end-to-end capabilities and expertise. “We have been closely tracking the evolving complexities of running a manufacturing company, and we are ready to support with global depth at scale,” said Bob Vanek, Chief Strategist of Supply Chain Management, Perficient. “Notably, Perficient has enabled companies to manage their entire supply chain from procurement to logistics, including managing supplier relationships and implementing intelligent workflows.” 

Build A Strong Foundation with Perficient 

Perficient’s long-standing relationships with top manufacturing companies have allowed its industry experts to build an impressive base of knowledge and solutions tailored to global manufacturers.  

Learn more about Perficient’s manufacturing strategy and technology solutions.