Health insurance is just one of those things we simply can’t live without. It’s a security blanket we all want to snuggle up to, but nobody likes to use it. Because if you’re using it, it likely means you’re sick or need care.

Can you guess who else doesn’t like it when you use your health insurance? The payor themselves. Why? Easy. When one of their members gets sick, they lose money.

Now, I’m not trying to sound harsh, but that is their business model. They are in the business of keeping you as healthy as possible. 365 days a year.

Luckily for these payors, there’s a new way for them to achieve this through technology enabled by Adobe’s HIPAA-ready Commerce.

This past year, Perficient’s commerce and healthcare teams collaborated with Adobe’s commerce and healthcare teams to build this new, HIPAA-ready solution specifically for use cases like this. Now, more than ever, consumers are concerned and worried about their personal health information. A solution that can provide baseline HIPAA and PHI-ready features is essential in delivering this promise to patients and their loved ones.

Keeping Members Healthy and Payors Happy With Adobe Commerce

Here are three use cases payors can leverage the Healthcare Add-on for Adobe Commerce to provide healthy solutions that keep you and me out of the hospital and healthy.

Education & Content Portal

Payors are invested in consumers’ health and wellness. So, they should also be invested in building education and content portals that offer condition-specific information, videos, diagrams, and other elements that can be personalized and recommended to their members based on previously diagnosed conditions.

FSA Health & Wellness Stores

This is one of my favorite use cases because it’s already happening in some applications. Many payors have FSAs (flexible spending accounts) that they offer. These pre-tax benefit accounts can be used to pay for eligible health and wellness products or expenses that are not covered by the member’s health care plan. Payors should own this entire cycle and build out digitally enabled commerce experiences where members can leverage their FSA funds and purchase products that keep them healthy and, of course, out of the hospital.

Proactive Wellness Recommendations

Leveraging the two previous examples, payors should also look to leverage their marketing tech stack to proactively recommend products, content, and activities that promote health and wellness to members. For example, there could be integrations to local gyms or exercise programs. All recommendations, whether they are products, content, or services, are personalized and tailored to individuals, adjusting according to their health status.

Adobe Commerce: Leading the Way in Proactive Healthcare Experiences

Using Adobe Commerce to Shape Proactive Health Solutions

As highlighted earlier in this blog, payors aren’t merely desiring the well-being of their members; it’s an imperative for them. Payors should explore the outlined use cases and seek opportunities to utilize Adobe Commerce for developing an innovative category of proactive health practices and products. This approach aims to ensure the collective safety and optimal living for society, all from the comfort of our homes, not the hospital.

Learn More About Adobe’s HIPAA-Ready Commerce Platform

This blog is part of a four-part series discussing commerce, protected healthcare experiences, use cases, and Adobe’s HIPAA-ready commerce platform.

Check out part one now and stay tuned for more: 3 Ways Adobe Commerce Enhances Patient-Provider Relationships