Perficient is committed to advancing STEM education, improving the health and well-being of others, and making a difference in the community. Through our Bright Paths Program, in partnership with Strayer University’s Hackbright Academy and DevMountain, we’re providing relevant learning experiences that prepare students for the tech workforce.

The fully funded 16-week custom coding bootcamp offers an incredible opportunity for students to receive first-hand experience with a broad spectrum of core technology concepts. We recently sat down with Katie Griffith, associate business consultant and Bright Paths graduate, to learn about her career path at Perficient. Continue reading to hear about Katie’s experience in a recent Perficient Bright Paths cohort and how she is further developing her professional skillset. She also shares her passion for collaboration along with helpful career advice.

Thank you for meeting with us, Katie. I’d like to start off by hearing more about your career at Perficient. What does a typical day look like on the job?

I joined Perficient in February 2022, and was part of the Lafayette Bright Paths cohort in October 2021. I do both business and technical consultant work. Currently, I am working on a client project where my team acts as implementation specialists in addition to helping with onboarding. We are technical program managers, so we lead a lot of calls, set up products and admin consoles for clients, and show them how to use and troubleshoot products.

As a side project, I took on the role of being a developer. I wanted to keep the coding I learned during Bright Paths fresh in my mind, so I’m working on an internal project called React. This tool is a set-up wizard for a proprietary tool that the client uses. I talk with people from all over the world about the project because of its scope. The Lafayette Delivery Center (LDC) has a team that works on this project, and we also collaborate with Perficient’s Minneapolis and Detroit offices. Then, we work with the client team which gives us an international reach.

Can you share your experience as a member of the Bright Paths Program?

Anyone that I talk to about the Bright Paths Program, I tell them that it’s one of the best chances I have ever taken. I was a stay-at-home mom for 13 years, and I was looking for something new. I came across the Bright Paths Lafayette cohort. They were looking for women or people from underrepresented communities to give a chance to break into the tech industry. I had some experience with IT previously, but Bright Paths was this amazing opportunity to get out and code with the possibility of a career at Perficient at the end of the program.

My favorite part is the people I met. The technical skills are great, and learning how to code and seeing your work come alive on a website is amazing. To this day, I still have a relationship with the people that I worked with. Bright Paths gave me the opportunity to network and learn from others about their experience and culture. I present at alumni talks on Perficient Fridays for other Bright Paths cohort, and I tell the students to take every opportunity they can to learn during the program. Bright Paths gives students all the tools available to continue growing.

READ MORE: We’re Closing the Gap in The Technology Industry Through Bright Paths

Whether big or small, how do you make a difference for our clients, colleagues, communities, or teams? 

I want to be a positive force and a light for the people I surround. You never know what someone is going through, and I hope to be that light especially if they are having a bad day. Being a positive influence and energy impacts not only your community, but also everybody around you. At the LDC, we start many team activities by bringing colleagues together.

Within the LDC, we have a culture and philanthropy committee that I am active in. I have led or co-led at least 10 activities, including a back-to-school campaign where we fully funded two classrooms. I also have a special place in my heart for blood drives because I have a daughter who was born with 75% of her blood missing. She had multiple blood transfusions, and without someone’s gift of blood, she would not be here. We have a blood drive twice a year, and that’s why I have taken it on as my project to encourage people to participate.

READ MORE: Perficient is Making a Difference By Volunteering in Our Community

What are your proudest accomplishments, personally and professionally? Any milestone moments at Perficient? 

Being a stay-at-home mom, having the opportunity to go through Bright Paths, getting hired at Perficient, and starting on a great project are my greatest accomplishments. Within my work, I have been given the opportunity to earn certifications and work on professional career development. I’m a safe-certified Scrum master agilest, which prompted me to continue advancing my skills.

I’ve been able to not only take business certifications, I’ve also been able to work with Perficient through our partnership with Google to go through associate cloud engineer training. I have finished that training, and now I’m working on testing to get the certification. Being presented with ways to get certifications at no cost has been great.

READ MORE: Discover How Our Colleagues are Advancing Their Careers at Perficient

How have you developed your career at Perficient? 

When I first started at Perficient, I didn’t know what to expect. I knew I needed to get out there, talk to people, and learn more. Coming in with the Bright Paths cohort helped build community within Perficient. Colleagues would come to us and ask about our experience.

As I have made my way through Perficient, I’ve realized my opinions have really helped others. I feel confident in my abilities, and not only the technical skills, but my soft skills as well.

I won the extra mile award within six months of starting at Perficient, and now I’m a part of an awards recognition committee within the LDC. Through this committee, we recognize colleagues for their work on a project, or just being really great people.

What advice would you give to colleagues who are starting their career with Perficient? 

I’m a part of the onboarding team at the LDC, and the advice that I typically give to new hires is to network, meet people, and ask questions. People want to talk about their projects and technology skills. Don’t be afraid to talk to anybody about their career. Doing this garners a sense of openness with people.

READ MORE: Perficient Colleagues Are Paying it Forward Through Mentorship

What motivates you in your daily work? 

My kids motivate me each day. I’m married with four kids: three girls and one boy. My three daughters now want to code because I went through the Bright Paths Program, and they have since joined coding clubs at school. My family is my “why.” The people in the office are why I enjoy going in. The LDC has this amazing culture where you’re not a stranger to anyone. Making connections has been really great.


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