Meet Harshal Rajguru, Senior Technical Consultant from Nagpur, India

Harshal Rajguru is a colleague who has directly reaped the benefits of Growth for Everyone. As someone who has always been personally and professionally independent, Harshal has leveraged this mindset to rapidly grow his career in the three years he’s been with Perficient.

READ MORE: Perficient Supports Colleagues Through Growth for Everyone

We recently had the chance to speak with Harshal to learn more about him, how he’s grown his career, and what drives him to continue seeking professional growth.

Harshal’s Career Journey

Harshal joined Perficient as an intern on the Salesforce team soon after graduating from university. During his six-month internship, he studied architectures, different solution delivery approaches, and earned several certifications.

Harshal was promoted to associate technical consultant only six months after joining Perficient, and he attributes the certifications he earned during his internship to helping him achieve this quick success. He was soon promoted to technical consultant and was the first of four colleagues to be onboarded to a project. With his proven dedication and stand-out success, he started working on two projects simultaneously.

“My flexibility combined with the work I did were two of the main reasons I was promoted to a technical consultant in just a year. After that promotion, I continued polishing and advancing my skillset, learning new things, and taking on new challenges. Some of the skills I’ve learned, like time management for example, have made me stand out. My consistency in showing these skills led to my most recent promotion to a senior technical consultant.”

Consistent Growth Throughout His Career

The entire duration of Harshal’s career has been with Perficient where he’s experienced exceptional growth. Progressing so quickly in his consulting career has put Harshal in a position where he’s regularly the youngest team member on projects. He’s found comfort and guidance with multiple role models who have helped Harshal learn how to regulate stress, drive him to continue working hard, and guide him through any questions or difficulties he may have.

Harshal has also experienced some of his most prideful professional moments at Perficient.

“I had the chance to provide a demo presentation to clients on something I developed and tested. The presentation was later than my usual working hours, and I couldn’t rest beforehand because of my excitement…and a hint of nervousness. It ended up being a two-hour presentation, and the clients and my team were all very happy. It was the first time I felt like I had something I could brag about in my career – and that was exciting.”

Some of his other moments of pride include receiving two employee appreciation awards in one year, migrating code independently after his internship, and balancing the demands of multiple major projects at the same time. These projects required many hours, and although it was tiring at times, Harshal enjoyed the work he was doing and knew he would receive support and appreciation from his team.

How Harshal Accelerates His Career

Each position Harshal has held at Perficient has brought its own challenges and new opportunities for growth.

For every project Harshal joins, he seeks out tasks that offer new learning opportunities. He stated, “If you’re comfortable, ask for something challenging to get out of your comfort zone, and seek out career growth. If you’re stuck, know that you can always reach out to senior colleagues for guidance, and it will only help you continue learning and building your skillset.”

In doing this, Harshal regularly improves and builds on his time management skills, allowing him to have the ability to pivot quickly, be flexible, and work well under pressure. In addition to building time management skills, Harshal frequently reaches out to senior colleagues and seeks advice from them, actively promoting Perficient’s commitment to global collaboration. He has also found that collaboration with colleagues across time zones has exposed him to new leadership styles and ways of thinking that influence his own work.

READ MORE: Perficient Colleagues Prioritize Collaboration

In consulting, there can be difficult, sometimes stressful times, which is something Harshal experienced firsthand shortly after onboarding to one of his initial projects. He explained, “It was difficult to keep up with the pace of the project. My emotions were high, and I was feeling like I wanted to give up. I spoke to my project manager, and ‘this too shall pass’ was the piece of advice I received in the moment, but it’s advice that’s stayed with me throughout all of my career.”

Key Takeaways from Harshal’s Growth Story

Perficient’s global capacity encompasses a diverse group of colleagues in every business unit and across all of our locations. As we can all learn from Harshal’s growth story, it’s important to take time getting to know different cultures and people and celebrating one another. For Harshal, those opportunities have allowed him to grow exponentially.

READ MORE: Perficient India Blogs

“If you are looking to accelerate your career at Perficient, you should consider yourself lucky. Perficient provides support, inspires, and motivates you to learn new skills and work with people from around the world to ensure you’re consistently growing both personally and professionally.”

As part of Perficient’s People Promise, all colleagues are challenged, championed, and celebrated to do their best work. Harshal explained, “I know Perficient values me and appreciates the work I do, and this is a huge factor in why I’ve grown with the organization.”

Perficient ensures every colleague has the opportunity to learn new skills, seek various learning opportunities, and work with leaders to grow their careers. Harshal embodies each of these opportunities while seeking global collaboration to continue growing his skillset.


Perficient continually looks for ways to champion and challenge our workforce, encourage personal and professional growth, and celebrate the unique culture created by the ambitious, brilliant, people-oriented team we have cultivated. These are their stories.

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