As a consultant, staying up-to-date on the latest accessibility guidelines and best practices is crucial for providing top-quality service to your clients. One way to demonstrate your expertise in this area is by obtaining certifications related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

In this blog, we’ll explore the different certifications a consultant can get for ADA and WCAG, broken down into three categories: easy, moderate, and advanced.



Easy certifications are short, self-paced, or taught courses that can be completed in a few hours to a few days. They cover the fundamental principles of web accessibility and document accessibility and provide a good foundation for those new to the field.

The Web Accessibility Basics (WAB) course: This is an online training course that teaches individuals how to create and evaluate the accessibility of documents in Word and PowerPoint, and how to optimize the accessibility of PDFs exported from Word and PowerPoint using Acrobat.
WebAIM’s WCAG 2.1 Checklist: This free online resource provides a quick reference for understanding and implementing the WCAG 2.1 guidelines. It’s a great resource for consultants looking to brush up on their knowledge of the WCAG and review what they have implemented.

The complete version.

Virtual Training Session: This online virtual session takes place over zoom, and covers accessibility principles and techniques for web designers, developers, program managers, quality assurance experts, or anyone interested in gaining a deep understanding of web accessibility.

More trainings


Moderate certifications are longer and may require some online training, experience, and a proctored exam. They offer a more in-depth understanding of web accessibility principles and how to apply them in a professional setting.

IAAP Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS): This certification requires a deeper understanding of web accessibility principles and how to apply them in a professional setting. The certification process includes a combination of online training and a proctored exam.
IAAP Accessible Document Specialist (ADS): This course, also offered by IAAP, covers accessibility for professionals who have the ability to create accessible electronic documents.



Advanced certifications are the most comprehensive and require a deep understanding of web accessibility principles. They require training, experience, a proctored exam, and sometimes a practical application component.

IAAP Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA): This certification can be completed in as little as two days but requires completion of both CPACC and WAS, making this one of the most difficult to achieve.
Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC): This is the highest level of certification offered by IAAP and requires a deep understanding of web accessibility principles and how to apply them in a professional setting. The certification process includes online training and a proctored exam, as well as a practical application component.

In conclusion, there are a variety of certifications available for consultants looking to demonstrate their expertise in ADA and WCAG. From easy, self-paced courses to more advanced certifications that require a deeper understanding of the principles of web accessibility, there’s something for every level of expertise. Consider obtaining one of these certifications to enhance your credibility and provide the highest level of service to your clients.


GPT Certified

Check out my other blog here, if you haven’t. I did not write anything but this snippet — GPT wrote everything else. That includes finding me the links, though a few were out of date.