In recent years, video job interviews have become the norm, offering numerous advantages for both employers and candidates. However, with technological advancements come new responsibilities, especially when it comes to protecting candidates’ rights and privacy. In this blog post, we’ll explore the growing trend of video interviews, take a closer look at Illinois’ Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act (820 ILCS 42/), and discuss how Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms can be integrated to enhance compliance with similar legislation, all while emphasizing the importance of robust data governance.


The Advantages of Video Job Interviews

Video job interviews have gained popularity for several reasons:

Geographic Flexibility: Employers can interview candidates from anywhere, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming travel.

Cost-Efficiency: Video interviews reduce expenses associated with in-person interviews, benefiting both employers and candidates.

Time-Efficiency: Scheduling and conducting video interviews is quicker and more convenient for all parties involved.

Wider Talent Pool: Companies can access a more diverse and extensive pool of talent, including remote and international candidates.

Environmental Impact: Video interviews align with sustainability efforts by reducing carbon footprints associated with travel.

Technology Advancements: High-quality video conferencing tools and platforms have made video interviews more accessible and effective.


The Illinois Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act

In Illinois, legislation has been introduced to address the ethical and privacy concerns associated with video job interviews. The Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act (820 ILCS 42/) is designed to protect job candidates’ rights by establishing specific guidelines and requirements for employers who use artificial intelligence (AI) in video interviews.

Key points from this legislation include:

Consent: Employers must obtain informed consent from candidates before using AI technology in video interviews. This consent must be clear, detailed, and easily understandable.

Transparency: Candidates have the right to know how the AI technology works, including how it evaluates their performance and what criteria it uses.

Retaining Records: Employers must keep video interview recordings for at least 30 days and must delete them upon request from the candidate.

Disability Accommodations: Employers must make reasonable accommodations for candidates with disabilities to ensure fair participation in the interview process.


Integrating NLP Algorithms for Compliance

To ensure compliance with the Illinois Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act, employers can integrate NLP algorithms into their video interview processes:

Consent Understanding: NLP algorithms can analyze and understand the language used in consent forms, ensuring they are clear and comprehensible.

Transparency Enhancement: NLP can assist in making AI algorithms used in video interviews more transparent, providing plain-language explanations for candidates.

Keyword and Sentiment Analysis: NLP algorithms can analyze interview scripts for keywords or sentiments indicating potential biases.


Data Governance: Data Retention Management, Audit Trails, and Continuous Monitoring

Underpinning all of these efforts is the critical aspect of data governance:

Data Retention Management: Data governance ensures that video interview data is retained as required by law. Employers must keep video interview recordings for at least 30 days and must delete them upon request from the candidate.

Audit Trails and Documentation: Comprehensive data governance practices maintain audit trails and documentation of the entire interview process, including consent records, AI decision-making processes, and any accommodations provided.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Data governance also includes continuous monitoring and assessment of the interview process for compliance. NLP and other tools can help identify potential issues and facilitate necessary adjustments.



Incorporating NLP algorithms and robust data governance into the video interview process not only helps employers comply with the legal requirements but also enhances the overall transparency, fairness, and accessibility of the interview experience. It demonstrates a commitment to ethical AI usage, data privacy, and reinforces trust between employers and candidates in the age of technology-driven recruitment. Failing to consider legal, technological, and data governance aspects of video job interviews may lead to legal penalties, reputational damage, and candidate distrust, ultimately hindering an employer’s ability to attract and retain top talent. Therefore, it’s crucial for employers to prioritize candidates’ rights, privacy, and compliance with relevant legislation while harnessing the benefits of video interviews, AI integration, and robust data governance practices.