Automated testing has become an integral part of the software development process, helping teams deliver high-quality applications faster. Flaky tests, those unpredictable and intermittent test failures, can be a source of frustration for developers and QA teams. In this blog, we’ll delve into flaky tests in Katalon Studio, a popular test automation tool, and explore strategies to master them.

Flaky tests can be the pain in automation, but with Katalon Studio 8.1, a smarter approach emerges. Katalon Studio 8.1 is packed with an array of features and enhancements to elevate your automation game. Tackling Flaky Tests Like a Pro:

Immediate Retry for Spotting Flaky Tests

Flaky tests – those that flip between pass and fail despite code consistency – are a notorious testing challenge. They’re triggered by code issues, external factors, or even the test itself. This unpredictability hinders decision-making in DevOps.

To tame flakiness, developers follow these steps:

1. Identify the troublesome Test Case.

2. Uncover the root cause.

3. Enhance the Test Case.

Katalon Studio tackles flakiness head-on. Users can opt to retry Test Cases post-failure – an approach favored by many in Katalon Studio Enterprise. This rapid retry arms testers with accurate results, fueling better decisions and smoother releases.

Katalon Studio 8.1 transforms the battle against flaky tests, empowering testers with a robust toolkit and a strategic mindset.

Understanding Flaky Tests

A flaky test is like a little trouble – it behaves differently with each execution. Flakiness emerges when a test produces varying outcomes, passing sometimes, and failing at other times, even when the test conditions and the application’s code remain constant. Flaky tests can significantly undermine the reliability of your test suite, making it challenging to distinguish genuine defects from false positives.

Causes of Flaky Tests in Katalon Studio

Flakiness can sneak into your test suite due to various reasons, some of which are particularly relevant to Katalon Studio:

1. Asynchronous Operations: Katalon Studio tests often involve interactions with web elements, which might trigger asynchronous actions. If your test doesn’t handle these properly, it might not wait long enough for an action to complete, leading to inconsistencies.

2. Timing Issues: Flaky tests can occur due to timing mismatches between the test script and the application. Delays in loading elements or dynamic content can cause tests to fail if not addressed.

3. Dynamic Locators: Using dynamic locators, like XPath or CSS selectors, can lead to flakiness if these locators become invalid due to changes in the UI structure.

4. Test Data Dependency: If tests rely on specific data in the database or external sources, changes in this data can cause tests to behave unpredictably.

Master Flaky Tests in Katalon Studio

While it’s challenging to completely eliminate flaky tests, you can certainly minimize their impact and occurrence:

1. Explicit Waits: Katalon Studio’s explicit waits provide a crucial tool to bridge the timing gap between test actions and application responsiveness. By specifying wait conditions, such as the presence of an element or its visibility, you allow the test to pause until the condition is satisfied. This strategic pause can significantly reduce timing-related flakiness, ensuring that your tests interact with elements only when they’re fully ready.

2. Retry Mechanisms: The retry mechanism in Katalon Studio is akin to granting your tests a second chance. By setting up automatic retries for failed tests, you give your test suite the ability to withstand transient issues. Whether it’s a network blip or a momentary glitch, the retry mechanism can help catch these gremlins, turning potential flaky test outcomes into consistent pass results.

3. Stable Locators: In the realm of automation, locators are your guiding stars. Opting for stable locators, such as IDs or unique attributes, is akin to building a strong foundation. These locators have a lower chance of changing between test runs or application updates. Relying less on dynamic locators, which are prone to fluctuations, can significantly curtail locator-related flakiness, providing a stable path for your tests to navigate the application.

4. Data Management: Effective data management isn’t just about creating and cleaning up test data. Creating data during the setup phase and cleaning up after each test reduces the risk of data-related flakiness. A well-managed data environment translates to a more reliable testing environment.

5. Logging and Reporting: Logging and reporting are your detectives in the world of flaky tests. By incorporating comprehensive logging into your test scripts, you create a trail of insights that can be invaluable in diagnosing and addressing flakiness. Detailed logs can help you identify patterns, unusual behaviors, or conditions that contribute to intermittent test failures. This information is a treasure trove when it comes to tackling flakiness systematically.

6. Isolation: Shared resources and dependencies can introduce complexity that amplifies flakiness. Tests that stand alone, without relying on the success of other tests, are less prone to the cascading effect of flakiness. This approach not only reduces complexity but also enhances the reliability of your test suite.

The battle against flaky tests might not be entirely won, but with these tools at your disposal, you’re better equipped to keep them at bay and maintain a testing framework that’s built on reliability and trust.


Flaky tests are a reality in the world of test automation, and dealing with them effectively requires a combination of best practices, tool-specific features, and diligence. In Katalon Studio, addressing the causes of flakiness and implementing strategies like explicit waits, retries, stable locators, and solid data management can go a long way in reducing their impact.