Automate with Ansible

Most server management infrastructure tasks have been automated for some time, but network changes can still create a bottleneck. Red Hat Ansible enables you to automate many IT tasks including cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, and intra-service orchestration. With Ansible you can configure systems, deploy software, and coordinate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) or zero downtime rolling updates.

Our Ansible Accelerator provides an overview of what Ansible can do to help modernize and streamline your DevOps and IT operations. The accelerator is available at three different intervention levels: a workshop, technical enablement, or full team consulting. In 6-12 weeks, we architect a proof of concept that delivers a more secure, compliant, reliable, and automated solution for you and your business.

What’s Included

An Ansible pilot with demo playbooks for common use cases
Ansible Engine core workshop
Playbook authoring
Security encryption
Writing custom roles
Tips for how to leverage cloud providers and dynamic inventories
Using Ansible Engine as part of a CI/CD pipeline with other tools
Ansible Tower accelerator
Documentation including best practices and sample style guide to assist developers in adhering to corporate standards

Use Cases

Enable automated deployment across devices in a hybrid model (cloud and on premises)
Network automation in a hybrid model
Automating Windows
Application deployment for Windows/Linux
Solving classic infrastructure-as-code challenges
Support security scanning for code and infrastructure to enable compliance and remediation (DevSecOps)
Support for automation of all cloud platforms including Azure and AWS

Ready to Accelerate?

Perficient + Red Hat

Red Hat provides open-source technologies that enable strategic cloud-native development, DevOps, and enterprise integration solutions to make it easier for enterprises to work across platforms and environments. As a Red Hat Premier Partner and a Red Hat Apex Partner, we help drive strategic initiatives around cloud-native development, DevOps, and enterprise integration to ensure successful application modernization and cloud implementations and migrations.

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