
HCL Commerce, an enterprise-level e-commerce platform, continuously evolves to meet the dynamic demands of the digital landscape. With each new release, HCL Commerce introduces enhancements and improvements to its Management Center, a suite of tools designed to support store management, merchandising, and marketing tasks for various business users. In this blog, we will explore the key differences and new features that the Management Center has introduced with the release of HCL Commerce V9.1.0 and subsequent versions. Additionally, we will examine how these updates have enhanced the user experience and streamlined the management process for businesses using the HCL Commerce platform.

HCL Commerce V9.1.0 – A Transformation in Management Center:

The release of HCL Commerce V9.1.0 brought about a significant transformation in the Management Center, enhancing its usability and capabilities for business users. Some of the notable changes included the following:

User Experience Enhancements:

In the process of enhancing the Management Center, the development team revamped the user interface, providing a more intuitive and streamlined navigation experience. Additionally, they introduced the Hamburger menu, simplifying access to various tools and segregating them based on user roles.

New Features and Tools:

Furthermore, HCL Commerce introduced the Analytics tool, empowering businesses to gain valuable insights into their e-commerce performance. Additionally, they integrated the Message Types and Transports tools into the Management Center, offering more control over messaging and communication. Moreover, they enhanced B2B User Management capabilities, allowing for better user management within B2B environments.

HCL Commerce V9.1.2.0 – Extending Functionality:

With the release of HCL Commerce V9.1.2.0, the Management Center continued its evolution, introducing further enhancements and additional functionalities.

Expanded Access to Key Features:

With the release of HCL Commerce V9.1.2.0, the Management Center interface allowed direct access to Security policies, Registries, Shipping, and Taxes, providing a centralized location for managing essential aspects of the e-commerce platform.

HCL Commerce V9.1.3.0 – Simplifying Navigation:

HCL Commerce V9.1.3.0 focused on simplifying the user experience and improving the ease of navigation.

Hamburger Menu Segregation:

Further improvements were made to the Hamburger menu, segregating tools based on the user’s role, making it easier to find relevant features quickly.

Submission of Ideas for Future Development:

The Management Center included a link to Aha, allowing users to submit new ideas for future development, fostering collaboration between users and the development team.

HCL Commerce V9.1.4.0 and Beyond – Continuous Advancements:

With subsequent releases, HCL Commerce continued enhancing the Management Center, introducing various features and benefits.

Enhanced Inventory and User Management:

Furthermore, with improved inventory and user management capabilities, the Management Center provided users with better control over their e-commerce operations.

Integration of Google Analytics:

Furthermore, the Management Center added Google Analytics support for GA4 reporting, allowing businesses to gain valuable insights into their website’s performance.

Marketplace Functionality:

Different functions of the marketplace became accessible to the Marketplace Operator, Marketplace Sellers, and Marketplace Seller Administrators, providing better control over marketplace operations.


Moreover, the evolution of HCL Commerce V9.1.0 and subsequent versions has brought significant improvements to the Management Center, transforming it into a powerful and user-friendly suite of tools for businesses to efficiently manage and customize their e-commerce stores. With each release, HCL Commerce actively listens to user feedback and responds to industry trends, introducing new features and functionalities that empower businesses to thrive in the rapidly changing e-commerce landscape. As HCL Commerce continues to evolve, businesses can look forward to even more innovative features and tools in the Management Center, further ensuring they stay ahead in the competitive digital marketplace.
