
Continuing from our previous blog on “Automating Salesforce with Katalon Studio: Streamlining Salesforce Operations with Automated Testing” we now dive deeper into a specific aspect of Salesforce automation: lead conversion. In this continued blog, we will focus on automating the lead conversion process using Katalon Studio. Building upon the foundation of Salesforce automation discussed earlier. By combining the power of Salesforce and Katalon Studio, you can take your sales operations to the next level and drive success in converting leads into opportunities or accounts.

Note: If you haven’t read the previous blog, we recommend checking it out to gain a comprehensive understanding of Salesforce automation with Katalon Studio.


In the world of sales, converting leads into opportunities or accounts is a critical step towards closing deals. However, manually converting leads in Salesforce can be time-consuming and prone to errors. This is where automation comes to the rescue. In this blog, we’ll explore how you can automate the lead conversion process in Salesforce using Katalon Studio. By following a step-by-step approach and leveraging the power of automation, you can streamline your sales process, increase productivity, and maintain data consistency.



Katalon Studio Installation: Ensure that Katalon Studio is installed on your computer. You can download the latest version of Katalon Studio from the official website (

Salesforce Account: You need a valid Salesforce account with the necessary access and permissions to perform lead conversion. If you don’t have a Salesforce account, sign up for a developer edition or obtain access from your Salesforce administrator.

Test Objects in Katalon Studio’s Object Repository: Before automating Salesforce lead conversion, you should have the required test objects defined in Katalon Studio’s Object Repository. These test objects represent the elements on the Salesforce UI that you will interact with during the automation process. Ensure that the test objects are properly defined with appropriate locators for identification.

Test Data and Field Identifiers: Prepare the test data that you will use during the automation process. This may include sample leads to convert and any additional data required for conversion details. Also, identify the field names or identifiers used in Salesforce for conversion-related fields, such as the opportunity name or account details.

Familiarity with Katalon Studio and Groovy: It is beneficial to have a basic understanding of Katalon Studio’s features and capabilities, as well as familiarity with the Groovy programming language. This knowledge will help you understand and customize the provided code snippets to match your specific Salesforce instance and test requirements.


Note: By fulfilling these prerequisites, you will be well-prepared to automate Salesforce lead conversion using Katalon Studio.


Step-by-step code:

Step 1: Set Up Salesforce Integration in Katalon Studio

import com.kms.katalon.core.webui.keyword.WebUiBuiltInKeywords as WebUI


// Salesforce integration


WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Login Page/Username’), ‘username’)

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Login Page/Password’), ‘password’)‘Object Repository/Login Page/LoginBtn’))


Step 2: Navigate to the Leads Page and Select a Lead to Convert

// Navigate to the Leads page‘Object Repository/Salesforce/Page/Home/LeadsTab’))

// Select a lead to convert‘Object Repository/Salesforce/Page/Leads/List/FirstLeadCheckbox’))


Step 3: Convert the Lead

// Click on the Convert button‘Object Repository/Salesforce/Page/Leads/List/ConvertButton’))

// Handle the conversion confirmation dialog


// Fill in conversion details

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Salesforce/Page/LeadConversion/ConvertedOpportunityName’), ‘New Opportunity’)

// … additional conversion details if required

// Confirm the conversion‘Object Repository/Salesforce/Page/LeadConversion/ConvertButton’))


Step 4: Verify the Conversion

// Verify the conversion success message

WebUI.verifyElementVisible(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Salesforce/Page/LeadConversion/ConversionSuccessMessage’))

// Verify the presence of the converted opportunity or account

WebUI.verifyElementPresent(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Salesforce/Page/Opportunities/OpportunityName’))

// Close the browser




In many sales processes, leads are captured and then converted into opportunities or accounts within Salesforce. Automating the lead conversion process can save time, reduce manual errors, and ensure consistency in the conversion process.