In our previous blog post, we explored the concept of landmarks and the significance of correct markup for web accessibility. Building upon that knowledge, in this post, we will delve into the importance of landmarks for screen readers and how they play a crucial role in promoting inclusivity and ease of use for individuals who rely on screen readers for accessing online content.

Understanding Landmarks and Correct Markup

Landmarks are structural elements within a webpage that provide meaningful information about different sections or regions of the page. By implementing correct markup using HTML5 semantic elements, such as <header>, <nav>, <main>, <footer>, <aside>, <section>, and more, web developers can enhance the accessibility and usability of their websites.

The Importance of Landmarks for Screen Reader Users

Efficient Navigation

Screen reader users heavily depend on well-structured webpages to navigate efficiently. Landmarks act as signposts, enabling users to skip directly to specific sections without having to listen to irrelevant content repeatedly. This streamlined navigation saves time and effort, making the browsing experience more efficient and enjoyable.

Contextual Understanding

Landmarks provide valuable context to screen reader users by clearly indicating the purpose and organization of different sections within a webpage. Correctly marked up landmarks help users understand the relationships between various sections, making it easier for them to navigate and comprehend the content.

Improved User Experience

By incorporating landmarks, developers create a more user-friendly experience for individuals relying on screen readers. Clear and well-structured landmarks facilitate seamless navigation, ensuring that users can access the desired content quickly and easily. This results in increased engagement and overall satisfaction with the website.

Accessibility Compliance

Implementing landmarks with correct markup aligns with accessibility guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). These guidelines set the standards for making web content accessible to individuals with disabilities. By adhering to correct markup practices, developers ensure their websites are compliant and inclusive for screen reader users.

Promoting Inclusivity and Ease of Use

Landmarks for screen readers not only benefit individuals with visual impairments but also promote inclusivity and ease of use for all users. Here’s how landmarks contribute to a more accessible web:

Independent Content Access: Landmarks empower screen reader users to navigate directly to the content they seek, bypassing irrelevant sections. This allows individuals to access information independently, without relying on sighted assistance. By promoting independence, landmarks foster inclusivity and a sense of empowerment.
Seamless Navigation: Well-structured landmarks enhance the navigation experience for screen reader users. By providing clear and descriptive labels for different sections, individuals can effortlessly move through a webpage, locate relevant content, and skip repetitive elements. This streamlines the browsing process, making it more efficient and enjoyable.
Enhanced User Control: Landmarks offer screen reader users greater control over their browsing experience. By providing the ability to jump directly to specific sections, individuals can customize their interaction with a webpage, focusing on the content that is most important to them. This control enhances usability and ensures a personalized browsing experience.
Improved User Engagement: When websites incorporate landmarks, screen reader users are more likely to engage with the content. The ability to navigate efficiently and comprehend the structure of a webpage leads to increased engagement and encourages users to explore further. By catering to the needs of screen reader users, websites can attract and retain a broader audience.


Landmarks with correct markup are invaluable tools for promoting web accessibility, particularly for individuals relying on screen readers. By providing efficient navigation, contextual understanding, and an enhanced user experience, landmarks empower screen reader users to access and engage with online content effectively. Implementing landmarks not only demonstrates adherence to accessibility guidelines but also fosters inclusivity, making the web a more welcoming and accessible space for all.

What is next?

In our next installment, we’ll discuss the importance of  Screen reader testing for visual disability and how they promote inclusivity and ease of use for individuals relying on visual impairment  . Stay in touch!

For more information on why accessibility is important in general, you can check out my previous blog post here.

For further information on how to make your product accessible to your audience, contact our experienced design experts, check out our Accessibility IQ for your website, download our guide Digitally Accessible Experiences: Why It Matters and How to Create Them, read more from our UX for Accessible Design series.