While we are only six months into the year, 2023 has already been an incredible one filled with growth and success for Perficient’s UK team. Back in early March, we opened a brand new London office location housed within one of the city’s most iconic and recognizable buildings, The Shard. Our local team has also grown significantly, with the addition of several wonderful colleagues who bring unique expertise and ideas to our organization. I interviewed the team’s newest member, Daren Fitzgerald, to learn more about who he is, his background in technology, and some pretty cool personal ties to the Star Wars franchise.

Let’s start off with a quick look at your background. Can you tell me a little bit about your previous role and experience in the industry?

As a whole, I would say that I’m a salesperson at heart. I’ve been in the agency and consulting world for over 20 years now, primarily working in digital, with some specialization in Commerce and Customer Experience along the way. Both of my previous roles actually included a focus on growth and expansion, which has really come in handy in my new role here at Perficient! I previously headed up growth for a company with very similar business operations to Perficient and had a focus on growing that organization’s EMEA business, as they already had strong North American operations. I spent two years at that company, leading them into IPO readiness and growth in the market.

How did you hear about Perficient, and what led you to this role?

Interesting story actually. A dear colleague of mine was approached and asked to interview for this Account Developer role a while back. The more my friend heard about the job and this company, he recognized that it was perfect for me and my goals and directed the company to me instead. I took the interview and started discussions with Perficient, and it quickly became clear that he had been right. Throughout the process, I had the opportunity to meet with a cross-section of folks from across the business, and a few things stuck out that really drew me in:

Perficient felt like home, which is super important to me when taking on a role.
This company has an entrepreneurial flair, that is backed by a large, established organization (very rare in my experience).
The colleagues who worked here have a lot of hunger to see the company succeed and grow.

The people I spoke to really sold this role and the company to me. How they spoke about the business and how they felt about the work they were doing was inspiring and was something I wanted to be a part of. It was a perfect storm for me of a meeting of minds, values, and philosophies, and it became a no-brainer for me to accept the position.

What motivates and inspires you in this position?

Freedom is a big motivator. I like to be entrepreneurial and go out and create and make things happen. The larger the organization, sometimes the more difficult it can be, but I was very comfortable with how it was positioned to me at Perficient. It was refreshing to be told that they wanted me to go out and do what I do and that they would provide the tools I needed to do that successfully. This is a very different approach from past organizations I’ve worked for, and it’s inspiring to know that the company trusts me and values my opinions.

The role itself also motivates me. As I mentioned earlier,  I’m a salesperson at heart and have always wanted to lead from the front. I like to go out and hunt business, so taking on this kind of role and having the chance to do that in EMEA really plays to what I like and to my strengths, making me excited to get to work each day.

Are you excited about the new London office location in The Shard?

Yes! I live in London and the new office is just a 12-minute train journey from home, which is lovely for me. I tend to be in and out of the city all the time, and the new location makes it easy for me to get out and meet people to make personal connections to help the business. I’m a sociable animal which is probably why I love this job. Fair to say I’m not shy and I like to socialize with people and network all the time, so having an office to do that in so close by is a huge perk.

And lastly – we want to get to know you! Can you share a bit about yourself, your hobbies, any fun facts, etc.?

I am a family person at the core. I have three beautiful children that I adore, alongside a beautiful wife. Our youngest is just 9 months old and is keeping me keen and up at night currently! My family also has a strong love for dogs, and are big fans of rescuing. A while back, we rescued a dog named Gizmo who is a cross with a Pointer and a Labrador. He is our fur baby and is quite a character who is mischievous and seems to think he is more human than dog. When I first saw him, he had this look in his eyes like a little gremlin, and he sure has lived up to that!

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Sports are another passion of mine, as I play soccer and am (and always have been) crazy for Formula One. But my biggest fun fact is also a story of how I got into a career in tech. I’m a huge Star Wars fan and have been for pretty much my whole life. The whole franchise is dear to my heart because my Aunt was the Production Director for the first three movies. When I was younger, I got to be on set with her a few times and had the opportunity to meet the whole cast, which was quite something growing up. She went on to be very successful and has been involved with a number of well-known films, which turned me into a huge movie fan, and eventually led to an interest and passion for technology!

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At Perficient, we continually look for ways to champion and challenge our talented workforce with interesting projects for high-profile clients, encourage personal and professional growth through training and mentoring, and celebrate our people-oriented culture and the innovative ways they serve Perficient and the community.

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