Welcome back to getting to know Sitecore search.  In this post we’ll take a tour of the Sitecore Search UI and cover some of the basic terminology used when talking about Sitecore Search.  Let’s get started!

Sitecore Search UI

The homepage of the Sitecore Search UI

Across the top

Site Switcher – Let’s you switch between multiple Search accounts
Account – Manage your account

Down the left side

Home (Site Performance) – View stats and metrics, filter by date and device, create and export reports
Pages – Manage pages, variations, variation schedule, preview results
Widgets – Manage widgets, variations, rules (boost, bury, blacklist, slots, visitor context)
Analytics – Drill into analytics by widget, keywords, content
Global Resources – Manage the global widget, keyword synonyms, notifications
Catalog – View indexed content items, attributes, stats, visitor profile details
Developer Resources – View api access details, use the api explorer, monitor events in real time
Administration – Manage sources, crawler settings, document extractors, scan frequency, account users


I read through the Sitecore search documentation.  I found it to be a well written guide.  I had to jump back and forth between the guide and the UI a few times as I was reading to fully understand the new terminology being presented and how the pieces are connected.  Here is a list of helpful terminology related to Sitecore Search.

Allowed Domains – A list of domains the crawler is allowed to crawl. A link to any other domain is excluded.
Attribute – Metadata about an index document (ie content type, url, title, description)
Authentication – Allows the crawler to access protected content
CEC – Customer Engagement Console (search management portal)
Content – An index document
Document Extractor – Creates the index document for a url
Document Extractor Type: XPath – Use xpath syntax to get attributes from the html
Document Extractor Type: CSS – Use css selectors to get attributes from the html
Document Extractor Type: JS – Use custom javascript to get attributes from the html
Facet – Allow the user to narrow results
Global Widget Settings – Settings and rules inherited by all other widgets
Index Document – JSON object that represents a url on your site
Locale – Region or language for a source
Locale Extractor – Reads the locale from the url
Locale Extractor Type: Url – Use a regular expression to read the locale from the url
Locale Extractor Type: Header – Use an http header to read the locale from the url
Locale Extractor Type: JS – Use custom javascript to read the locale from the url
Page – A page on your site that contains a search widget
Request Extractor – Generate requests to the crawler for urls that are not discoverable through links on the site
Rule – Control how search results are returned (boost, bury, blacklist, pin)
Source – The content you want search to access
Tagger – Part of the document extractor that reads the url and gets the attributes
Textual Relevance – Control the priority of each attribute in finding results
Traffic – The percentage of visitors that will see a widget variation
Trigger – Starting page for the web crawler
Visitor Context – Metatdata about a visitor that helps show personalized results
Web Crawler – Tool to scan a site for content
Widget – A search component that can be placed on a page
Widget Schedule – Schedule a widget to appear between specific dates
Widget Split Testing – Allow multiple active widget variations to serve different amounts of traffic
Widget Variation – Allows a widget to have different rules

Up Next

In the next post, we’ll look at the default setup with a fresh account, the default document extractor, the catalog of content items.

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