In today’s digital world, websites are an integral part of businesses, organizations, and governments. However, not everyone can access the web in the same way. People with disabilities, such as visual, hearing, and cognitive impairments, face many barriers when trying to access online content. To ensure that digital content is accessible to all, web designers and developers must adhere to  Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)



WCAG is a set of guidelines that was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium ( W3C ) to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities. These guidelines are organized into three levels of compliance, which are Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. The purpose of these levels is to ensure that web content is accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of disability. These levels build on each other, starting with WCAG A compliance, which only requires that a minimum level of alternatives be used to provide accessible solutions to possibly inaccessible media.





Level A Compliance

Level A compliance is the minimum requirement for web accessibility. It includes the most basic and essential requirements for making content accessible. The Level A compliance ensures that web content is perceivable, operable, and understandable for users with disabilities. This means that content must be presented in a way that is easy to read and navigate, with clear and consistent headings, labels, and instructions.


Level AA Compliance

Level AA compliance builds on Level A and includes more advanced guidelines to improve accessibility. It covers additional requirements for making content more user-friendly for people with disabilities. Level AA compliance includes features such as captions and audio descriptions for multimedia content, resizable text and images, and clear instructions for using forms and input fields. Level AA compliance ensures that web content is even more accessible and user-friendly for people with disabilities.


Level AAA Compliance

Level AAA compliance is the highest level of web accessibility compliance. It includes the most advanced guidelines for making content accessible. Level AAA compliance ensures that web content is as accessible as possible for people with disabilities. This means that web designers and developers must go above and beyond the minimum requirements for web accessibility. Level AAA compliance includes features such as sign language interpretation for multimedia content, keyboard shortcuts for navigation, and content that is optimized for a wide range of devices and technologies.


WCAG compliance levels provide web designers and developers with clear guidelines for making web content accessible to all users. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that people with disabilities can access and use digital content with ease. While Level A compliance is the minimum requirement, adhering to Level AA and Level AAA compliance ensures that web content is even more accessible and user-friendly for people with disabilities. By designing and developing accessible websites, businesses and organizations can improve their online presence and provide equal access to all users, regardless of their abilities.


If you want to make sure your web content follows the Compliance Levels of accessibility, but you aren’t sure where to start, contact us. Our team of trained accessibility consultants can help you to navigate relevant guidelines and create a website that’s accessible now and for years to come.