Sitecore has a feature called scheduled tasks that allows you to schedule routine tasks like triggering some emails in an interval or scheduling the publishing of an item etc. It is a straightforward approach to run code logic at defined intervals.
Sitecore Scheduled Task Step-by-Step
We can configure scheduled tasks in Sitecore under the location /Sitecore/System/Tasks.
There are two types of Sitecore items in the Sitecore content tree, or two components, that make up task scheduling.
Commands-This is the logic (code) that must be execute when the scheduler executes the TASK.
Schedules-This contains information on when a command should be called, at what time interval, and when it was last run.
There are three steps to creating and scheduling tasks:
Step 1: Write the Code to be Executed
Example: We have created a class called SendReminderEmail and a method called Execute within it.
The following method is called each time the scheduler runs within a specified interval, and the code it contains is executed.
Please write your logic based on your requirements.
Step 2: Creating a Command
Create a new command named SendReminderEmail using the template from the path – /sitecore/templates/System/Tasks/Command.
Enter the assembly-qualified type in the Type field and the method name in the Method field.
Step 3: Creating a Scheduler
We have two kinds of schedulers:
Powershell Scripted Task Scheduler
Sitecore Scheduler offers a PowerShell Scripted Task Scheduler option if we need to run PowerShell scripts as schedulers.
Since we won’t be using PowerShell, we’ll create a schedule.
Create a new scheduler named SendReminderEmailSheduler using a template from the path – /sitecore/templates/System/Tasks/Scheduler.
Fill out the content section with information for the newly created scheduler.
Command field: Select/Specify the command path. (Command created in the earlier step)
Schedule field: Specify the time, i.e., how frequently the job should run.
Items field: This is where we declare the Sitecore items array if we wish to populate it in our class method.
Last Run: Indicates the previous run date/time value.
Async field: By checking this box, the command will run asynchronously
Auto remove field: We can use this field to remove the schedule definition item automatically when the task expires.
There will be several piped (|) values in the Schedule field.
Date of Start: 20230203, Date of expiration: 99990101
Below are the days of the week: Calculate based on the number of days in the week.
Sunday = 1
Monday = 2
Tuesday = 4
Wednesday = 8
Thursday = 16
Friday = 32
Saturday = 64
Assume I want to run the job every day. It will be (1+2+4+8+16+32+64) = 127 (Sunday + Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday + Friday + Saturday).
The task’s minimum run interval in HH.MM.SS format
The task is now scheduled to run at the specified intervals.
I hope you found this beneficial.
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