JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a Data Format that supports a variety of data kinds, including Strings, Booleans, Lists, Numbers, and Objects. It is one of the most common, simple, and lightweight formats for service interaction. In this blog post, I’ll go through 4 JSON Tools that will help you parse, prepare, and visualize JSON in a more efficient and effective manner.


JSON Formatter

Online JSON Formatter / Beautifier and JSON Validator will format JSON data, and helps to validate, convert JSON to XML, JSON to CSV. Save and Share JSON.

It helps to:

Format/ Beautify JSON
Validate JSON
Minify JSON
Convert JSON to XML, YAML, CSV


JSONVue (Chrome Plugin)

JSONVue is a Chrome Extension featuring JSON support, syntax highlighting, collapsible trees with indent guides, clickable URLs, and the ability to toggle between raw and parsed JSON. JSON documents can be Formatted, Highlighted, and Arrays and Objects can be Collapsed with the JSONVue plugin. Rather than prompting for a download or presenting JSON as text, it Pretty-Prints it. Array and object portions are collapsible for convenient navigation. Copy-Paste is still a viable option.


JSON to Plain Old Java Object (POJO)

We’ll use the converter and additional libraries like Jackson objectMapper to parse our JSON Input into JAVA Objects.

1.    Copy and paste your JSON in the first code editor and click “Convert”

2.    Click on “Copy to Clipboard” when the JAVA object classes appear in the second window

3.    Import Jackson libraries

4.    Create POJO classes to map your JSON string

5.    Create ObjectMapper class and deserialize into a Root class



Quicktype converts the JSON to POJO In any Programming Language. In C#, Swift, JavaScript, Flow, Python, TypeScript, Go, Rust, Objective-C, Kotlin, C++, and other languages, Quicktype produces types and helper code for reading JSON. Quicktype is another excellent online tool for converting JSON to classes/structs in any of the programming languages



I’m hopeful that the JSON tools I’ve described above assist you in your development work. The JSON hosting platform can then be explored to host your application coding.