A tool for Testing Web Services, including SOAP, RESTful, and HTTP-based services, is called SoapUI. With a commercial partner called ReadyAPI that offers further capabilities for businesses with mission-critical Web Services, SoapUI is an Open Source, totally Free solution.

The de facto standard for API Service Testing is SoapUI, which has been downloaded more than 3 Million times. This indicates that there is a wealth of information on the technology available.


What’ll you learn?

Basis of SoapUI
Installing SoapUI
Difference Between SoapUI and ReadyAPI
SoapUI Interface


What is SoapUI?

Before developing any code in Java, C#, or any other language, SoapUI may be used to test Partner WSDL, corporate WSDL, Tooling API, and Metadata API to analyze capabilities and response from Salesforce. Many people rely on SoapUI for testing JMS, REST, JDBC, and AMF. They integrate SoapUI into their IDEs (IntelliJ, NetBeans, and Eclipse), continuous integration builds, API monitoring, and other processes. There are several Inventive Applications for SoapUI out there.

Uses of SoapUI?

Entire RESTful API & SOAP Web Service Testing may be done with SoapUI.

Functional testing, performance testing, interoperability testing, regression testing, and many other types of testing are all possible. Our goal is to make it simple to start testing. For instance, to create a load test, simply right-click a functional test and run it as a load test.

Web Services simulation is possible. Tests may be Recorded for later use. The WSDL can be used to produce code stubs. Even from recorded communication, REST standards (WADL) can be created.


How can I run SoapUI?

Since SoapUI is Java-Based, it can run on the Majority of Operating Systems. They have test it on many Windows and Mac versions as well as various Linux variants. SoapUI needs a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) version 1.6 or Later, at least 1 GB of memory, and roughly 100 MB of storage space.

The JRE is already included and is not necessary for your system if you are installing using the installer or the standalone distributions. If not, be sure to install it and change the JAVA HOME environment variable appropriately.


Installing SoapUI

Depending on your requirements and preferences, SoapUI can be used on Windows, Mac, Linux, or Unix platforms.


Windows                                                MacOS                                                     Linux



SoapUI also provides a PRO version called ReadyAPI. Few advantages for going pro are as follows:


Create basic test scenarios with assertions.

Create basic test scenarios with assertions.

Does not support Quick built code-less assertions (No need to use Groovy Scripting)

Supports Quick built code-less assertions (No need to use Groovy Scripting)

Does not support Creating advanced assertions using logic such as “contains”, “matches” and more.

Supports Creating advanced assertions using logic such as “contains”, “matches” and more.

Supports No Collaboration.

Supports Collaboration with Jira, Slack, GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab.

Provides testing like functional testing, security testing, performance testing, etc.

Provides basic Functional and Performance testing.


SoapUI Interface

Main Window

Default Toolbar: Default toolbar

Icon’s Toolbar: Icon shortcuts toolbar

Navigator Panel: Expandable tree display of workspace content (Read Reference Navigation)

Properties Panel: Lists the various preconfigured workspace properties in the (Read Reference Navigation)

Log Inspectors: Available log inspectors are displayed in the main window.


Default toolbar:

File Menu


Creates a new product in this workspace

Import Project
Adds an existing project into this workspace

Import Remote Project
Imports a remote project into this workspace

Save All Projects
Saves all projects in the current workspace

Open All Closed Projects
Opens all closed projects in the current workspace

Close All Opened Projects
Closes all opened projects in the current workspace

Renames this workspace

New Workspace
Creates a new workspace

Switch Workspaces
Loads another workspace file

Sets global SoapUI preferences

Save Preferences
Saves all global preferences

Import Preferences
Imports SoapUI settings from another settings -file

Reopens recent items

Saves all projects and exist SoapUI

Exit Without Saving
Exits SoapUI without saving


Tools Menu



JBossWS Artifacts
Generates JBoss WS artifacts using the JBoss wstools utility

JBossWS JAX-WS Artifacts
Generates JBossWS JAX-WS artifacts using JBoss WS wsconsume

JAX-RPC Artifacts
Generates JAX-RPC artifacts using wscompile

JAX-WS Artifacts
Generates JAX-WS artifacts using wsimport

AXIS 1.X Artifacts
Generates AXIS 1.X artifacts using WSDL2Java

AXIS 2.X Artifacts
Generates AXIS 2.X artifacts using WSDL2Java

Apache CXF
Generates Apache CXF using WSDL2Java utility

XFire 1.X Stubs
Generates XFire 1.X stubs using wsgen utility

Oracle Proxy Artifacts
Generates Oracle Proxy artifacts using the wsa.jar utility

XmlBeans Classes
Generates XmlBeans classes

JAXB 2.0 Artifacts
Generates JAXB 2.0 artifacts

.NET 2.0 Artifacts
Generates .NET 2.0 artifacts using wsdl.exe

GSoap Artifacts
Generates GSoap artifacts using wsdl2h and soap2cpp

Launch TcpMon
Launch Tcp Mon for monitoring SOAP traffic


Icons Toolbar


Creates an empty ReadyAPIject.

Creates a new SOAP project.

Creates a new REST project.

Imports an existing ReadyAPIject into the current workspace

Saves all projects in the current workspace

Opens SoapUI forum.

Opens the ReadyAPI Trial download page.

Sets global soapUI preferences

Apply proxy defined in global preferences

Searches the soapUI support forum

Show online help




Congratulations, You now have a brief knowledge about what SoapUI is, Advantages of becoming a PRO member, and all the basics of SoapUI.


Happy Coding!