Every year, Acquia celebrates the very best projects that were delivered using its platform and products with the Acquia Engage Awards. This year, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center (Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s) has been named a finalist for the exceptional digital experiences they’ve delivered with us 

These awards showcase organizations that have gone above and beyond to create the world’s most ambitious digital projects. There were over 120 entries spanning a variety of industries and regions for awards in one of three categories: 

Doers– recognizes the stories that create digital experiences that make a real impact. 
Builders– recognizes the developers that are in the trenches delivering innovations. 
Dreamers– recognizes the stories of business leaders who never let anything stand in their way and look for a way to do everything better every day.  

A panel of judges with trusted expertise in DXP and digital marketing reviewed every submission and evaluated them across 4 criteria: functionality, integration, performance, and overall user experience. Only three finalists are selected per category and Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s was selected as one of the finalist for the Leader of the Pack – Health Award in the Doers category.

Dana- Farber/Boston Children’s Combines Expertise of Two Organizations Into One Site 

Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s offers the combined expertise of two independent organizations that are clinically integrated. The integration of the two was difficult to navigate. Patients and their families struggled through a complex and confusing patient journey over pedestrian bridges that connect pediatric and oncology care in the two partnering organizations. We wanted to improve the patient journey through care at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s by providing more informative content and driving better outcomes, and relieving stress on patients and their families.     

Dana- Farber/ Boston Children’s Improves Their Patients’ Confidence  

Dana- Farber/Boston Children’s was excited to see major improvements, not only on their website but also in their patients’ confidence thanks to the improved patient journey that the upgraded website provided. Instead of using a rigid page template where everything has to look the same, Dana- Farber/Boston Children’s decided to move their site onto Acquia. With Acquia CMS and the Site Studio component library, authors can now create unique page layouts and simply place the content on the page in a way that makes it easiest for the patient to navigate.  

Key areas of the content were identified that are common across multiple pages, such as calls to action that help patients find relevant next steps on their journey.  These content blocks were created once using the Component Content feature of Site Studio and placed on pages quickly, reducing the overall work of content migration from the original site. 

Lastly, the usage of Acquia Site Studio components helped to accelerate our timeline and reduce the cost of build.  While the overall project took time in research, content migration, and in combining the brand standards of two independent organizations into a single design system, the build of the component system was able to be done quickly, lowering overall cost of the project. 

We’re Proud to Partner with Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s

Being named an Engage Awards finalist is a welcomed recognition but we are especially proud to help Dana- Farber/Boston Children’s provide an even better experience for their patients. Dana-Farber/ Boston Children’s does excellent work that saves lives, and we are honored to have a small part in what they do.