One of the most highly anticipated events for the Perficient Mexico office is the annual offsite event. Celebrated on July 4, colleagues located in and nearby Monterrey, exchanged their laptops for aprons and shared an incredible evening connecting with their team members.


The team started the day at the office and met with new colleagues introduced to them through virtual calls. The opportunity to connect with colleagues in the office is cherished as it fosters a sense of community, support, and camaraderie among the team.  

Before leaving for the offsite event destination in Santiago, a town close to Monterrey, colleagues boosted morale with a delicious home-cooked meal. As part of the celebration festivities, the team gathered after lunch to enjoy an offsite kit full of Perficient merch. Our colleagues were thrilled to wear Perficient shirts, aprons, and hats as they prepared for an evening of making connections with their team. 


This year´s theme for Offsite 2023 was grilling, one of the most popular activities for “regios” or people born and raised in Monterrey. The team visited the Sociedad Mexicana de Parrilleros (Mexican Grilling Society) headquarters. An extraordinary grill experience was waiting for the team. Everyone could learn techniques and preparation methods for a wide variety of dishes with professionals from the Mexican gastronomic world. Our colleagues prepared steak kebabs with melted cheese, hamburgers, and other barbecue favorites at Offsite 2023.

The whole experience fostered integration and friendship and gave colleagues the chance to forge new relationships, have an enjoyable time, and share a passion for fire! 

It was a delightful experience full of fun and flavorful togetherness that our colleagues will not forget.