
In today’s interconnected world, integrating external applications with Salesforce has become crucial for organizations to streamline business processes and enhance data management. To ensure secure access to Salesforce APIs, implementing proper authentication and authorization mechanisms is essential. In this blog, we will dive into the details of implementing OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization for external applications accessing Salesforce APIs. We will explore the different OAuth flows, discuss best practices for securing access tokens, and provide insights on managing OAuth configurations in Salesforce.

Understanding OAuth 2.0:

OAuth 2.0 is an industry-standard authorization framework that allows external applications to access protected resources on behalf of a user. It provides a secure and standardized method for granting and revoking access to APIs without sharing user credentials. OAuth 2.0 defines different flows or grant types that cater to various application scenarios.

Authorization Code Flow:

The Authorization Code Flow is the most common OAuth flow used for server-to-server integrations. It involves a series of steps:

The external application redirects the user to Salesforce for authorization.
The user logs in to Salesforce and grants permissions to the external application.
Salesforce issues an authorization code to the external application.
The external application exchanges the authorization code for an access token and a refresh token.
The access token is used to make API requests on behalf of the user.

Implicit Flow:

The Implicit Flow is suitable for client-side applications such as JavaScript-based single-page applications. It simplifies the flow by eliminating the need for an authorization code exchange. Instead, the access token is directly returned to the client application after user authorization.

Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow:

The Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow allows the external application to request access tokens using the user’s credentials. This flow is suitable for trusted applications but should be used with caution due to security considerations.

Best Practices for Securing Access Tokens:

To ensure the security of access tokens and protect against unauthorized access, consider the following best practices:


Always use HTTPS for communication between the external application and Salesforce to ensure data confidentiality and integrity. HTTPS encrypts the communication channel and prevents eavesdropping and tampering.

Keep Tokens Confidential:

Access tokens and refresh tokens must be treated as confidential information. Avoid storing them in client-side code or exposing them in URLs. Instead, securely store tokens on the server side or use secure storage mechanisms such as encrypted databases or key management services.

Token Expiration and Refresh:

Access tokens have a limited lifespan to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access. Implement mechanisms to handle token expiration and securely refresh them using the refresh token, adhering to the OAuth specifications.

Managing OAuth Configurations in Salesforce:

Salesforce provides a comprehensive set of features to manage OAuth configurations for external applications. Here are some key considerations:

Create a Connected App:

In Salesforce, create a Connected App that represents the external application. Specify the necessary details such as the app name, contact email, and OAuth scopes. These scopes define the permissions the external application can request.

Define OAuth Policies:

Configure OAuth policies within the Connected App to enforce security measures. Set session timeout limits, and token validity periods, and enable policies such as IP restrictions and two-factor authentication for added security.

Customizing OAuth Settings:

Salesforce allows customization of OAuth settings to align with specific integration requirements. You can configure token endpoints, define custom redirect URIs, and customize the user consent screen to provide a seamless user experience.


Implementing OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization for external applications accessing Salesforce APIs is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of data. By understanding the different OAuth flows, following best practices for securing access tokens, and leveraging Salesforce’s robust OAuth configuration management, organizations can confidently integrate external applications with Salesforce while ensuring data protection.

Remember to consult the Salesforce documentation and refer to the OAuth 2.0 specifications for detailed implementation guidance. By adhering to best practices and staying up to date with security recommendations, organizations can establish a secure and reliable integration framework between Salesforce and external applications.